Friday, January 07, 2005
More On The eUNuchs
The Diplomad is a blog...by career US Foreign Service officers. They are Republican (most of the time) in an institution (State Department) in which being a Republican can be bad for your career -- even with a Republican President! They're also in the field as it were. It seems the "Chief Diplomad" is in Aceh, or thereabouts, because he has been blogging about his experience with the tsunami recovery and his dealings with the UN in a post entitled The "Turd" World And The High Priest Vulture Elite*. What caught my eye was this telling bit:That work, unfortunately, has brought ever-increasing contact with the growing UN presence in this capital; in fact, we've found that to avoid running into the UN, we must go out to where the quake and tsunami actually hit. Steve, I know you think I should be all freakin' Hemingway with this blog, cranking out miniature Men at War, but I trust some might enjoy the insight provided by such an unique blog.
*h/t The Belmont Club
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 8:39 PM ·
Monday, January 03, 2005
de Tocqueville Be Damned
After painting the Western industrialized nations (and likely the US in particular) as "stingy," the United Nations Undersecretary for Humanitarian blah blah, Jan Egeland and his whole putrified beadledom has left me on tenterhooks as it were. The voluble Wretchard has several excellent posts on the topic which puts as fine a point on the issue as the substrate can maintain - read them and be edified.
For some pith on the issue, consider the words of Dr. Charles Krauthammer:"We are six percent or less of the world's population, yet we give almost half. We are a very small number of people, relatively speaking, and we carry the weight of a dozen countries. Secondly, we maintain a military structure that keeps the peace of the world...Who is in the Indian Ocean with the aircraft carriers, helicopters, skilled personal? No one has the infrastructure in the world, we spend almost half a trillion dollars a year on our military structure, which is essentially the fire department of the planet and is it always at the disposal of people hit in a national disaster...Incidentally on food aid, we five 60% of all the food aid in the world. It is simply irresponsible to talk about the U.S. as anything other than the most generous nation on the planet." Fnord.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 1:35 AM ·