Sunday, October 23, 2005
Anti-Affirmative Action Redaction
Jeff, whilst continuing his ongoing explication of the Miers debate, links to this post at “The Trigger” excoriating Hugh Hewitt, which in turn links to this post by Stanley Kurtz re: Hewitt/Miers, which makes reference to an op-ed Mr. Kurtz penned back in February of 2001 entitled Academic Postmodernity & the SATs, which is the impetus for my current post. Follow all that?
Perhaps it is a pursuant to mine own narcissism that I would outline the path I took to that piece. Regardless, I would dub the op-ed in question as mostly spot on. Read it post haste. Here’s a juicy bit:No one wants to think of themselves as a temporary exception to proper academic standards. So the beneficiaries of liberal condescension quickly became the carriers of a new ideology. The rise of academic postmodernism, with its assumption that classic democratic principles are just a cover for white, male, heterosexist, first-world power, is directly attributable to affirmative action. The only way to preserve self-respect as an exception to standards of academic excellence and democratic principle was to mount an attack on those very principles and standards. My parents are of the generation comprising those “who entered our colleges and universities with the avowed goal of "subverting" them” and who “are now at the apogee of their influence”. For this and other reasons, I feel I have some familiarity with the genesis of their weltanschauung, and I can’t simply buy, in its entirety, the tidy package Herr Kurtz wraps up for us. I accept and endorse the thesis that affirmative action and its philosophical antecedents really do pose a threat to meritocracy and individual freedom, but it strikes me as at best an oversimplification to suggest that postmodernism rose primarily as a beard for an affirmative action’d studentry.
I submit that postmodernism was a (admittedly poor) response to the very real shortcomings of the enlightenment paradigm. I’m a big fan of the enlightenment paradigm incidentally, but it clearly and fully fails to explain a great deal of the human experience, and where it is useful (which is to say in a lot of places) it still leaves one wanting. Philosophical Materialism, for example, is a wonderful context within which to make useful predictions about phenomena, but who but the most dogmatic materialist can accept that love is merely a product of neurotransmission and nothing more? What is the more? I don’t pretend to know, but if the historically steady evolution of human knowledge is any guide, how can one be content to consider the enlightenment paradigm the apotheosis thereof?
I will not aver postmodernism as the new paradigm; I think it amounts to essentially a devolution. However, much in the same way that businesses which refuse to respond to market trends die, the old-guard of the enlightenment write their own death notices when they stubbornly refuse to recognize that postmodernism is not merely epiphenomenal to youthful rebellion. Something will supplant the reigning paradigm, and while it won’t be “postmodern,” the avatars of enlightenment orthodoxy can provide us little clue as to what will be its countenance.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 11:09 PM ·
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Intellect Disposer
You may remember Stephen Pearcy (no, not the lead singer of Ratt) as the person of inestimable profundity who employed his house in Southern California as a gallery of adolescent angst. Then again, maybe you were not made aware of his fifteen minutes.
Obviously, I don’t think his rather sophomoric antics have any bearing upon the cogency of those arguments made for or against the war. Clearly, his “art” speaks to his own grasp of the issue much more than it speaks to the issue itself. However, I would be remiss as an observer of human affairs if I didn’t mention that the sheer abject idiocy quotient among those protesting the war (or at least those who get all the media attention) seems quite staggering. Cindy Sheehan, anyone?
I must say that the lionizing media attention that Mr. Pearcy received struck me as quite dubious. Essentially, the media raised a marginal voice (I think I’m being generous here) to include it in the national debate as if it had offered something of great worth. While this reflects incredibly poorly on the ability of the media to parse out the debate, I thought I might turn my attention directly to Pearcy. I admit, he’s a very easy target – but given the status he’s been afforded, he deserves some scrutiny.
I started reading his blog first in an effort to understand his arguments. His arguments struck me as little more than self-congratulating puffery and faux-outrage. Such arguments cannot be met, only ignored. However, in a moment of unabashed journalistic heroics, Mr. Pearcy decides to pen an entry “exposing” the ostensible barbarity of the U.S. military, ostentatiously titled, “The Real Cost of War in Iraq”. It contains the following: In the night of 14 July, young Yassin was sleeping on the land in his garden because it was hot and there was still no electricity to cool the home. At 3 in the morning, an American armoured vehicle ran right over an exterior fence surrounding the garden and then ran right over Yassin. Some of Yassin's neighbors tried to help Yassin as he lay there, but the U.S. soldiers would not let them near. U.S. soldiers then immediately shot him dead. The armoured vehicle continued on and then broke through the house where Yassin had lived and destroyed it and then his family's car. It is hard to believe on the face and especially so when one considers that it reads like an Al Jazeera piece. I was not ready to summarily dismiss it however, until I knew its source. So, I clicked on the comments for the blog entry and noticed that someone named “bart” had already requested sourcing:Can you tell me your source on this particular story? That’s straightforward enough. No baiting or histrionics, just a request for a source. Pearcy responds with:A much more reliable one than the source you rely upon to believe that Bush didn't lie. Hmm, so maybe he’s just in a bad mood and he intends to eventually reveal the source. Bart, it seems, decides to be charitable and largely ignore the bait and reiterate the question:All right, I understand your need to reiterate your view that Bush lied, but instead of pussyfooting around my question, maybe you can answer it. Pearcy replies:Bart, First let me ask: Do you think that news reports from Iraq that are first reviewed and approved by the US military are credible? I’ll resist the urge to quote the entire comments section even though I’d like to because as the debate developed there, Pearcy first deleted the entire post, then when taken to task for it, he put it back up and when further taken to task for avoiding offering a source he finally disabled commenting altogether. Fortunately, Google cached it (though I’m sure it won’t stay for long.)
Anyway, I joined the fray and pushed for the source. So, okay, I’m gonna quote the damn thing after all because who knows how long Google’s cache of it will last. Here’s the back and forth between Pearcy and yours truly:Malaclypse: "First let me ask: Do you think that news reports from Iraq that are first reviewed and approved by the US military are credible?"
Typical. Let me ask: What fucking difference does it make what some eponymous righty thinks about reports vetted by the US military vis-a-vis your claim? Wave your arms much?
Pearcy: Mal,
How do you miss these points all the time?
It would certainly matter to Bart if my source was an official military one and he regarded such a source as credible. That was the reason I asked HIM the question. Maybe YOU would have a different standard for credibility than he would.
Malaclypse: Brain Trust,
Notice the part where I say, "vis-a-vis your claim"? See that? What I meant by that, which should be fairly obvious, is that it is generally considered responsible (I know - how passe!) to cite one's sources. This standard obtains irrespective of the audience. See? Not complicated.
In other words, why not just come out and cite the source? Why needle bart? It matters, in the empirical sense, not one wit what bart thinks of the source - the citation serves ALL audiences, not just the ones who would agree with your sentiments.
Pearcy: Mal,
Your comments are irrelevant to my question to Bart. Regardless of whether it's responsible to cite the source, I still asked Bart a legitimate question. Bart was afraid to answer my question because he realized that answering it might commit himself to accept the legitimacy of my source once I disclosed it. See? Not complicated.
Malaclypse: Self-appointed “Exposer”: "Your comments are irrelevant to my question to Bart."
You're quite a dancer aren't you. Actually, no: your ploy is quite transparent. A more accurate description of the situation would be to say,
"Your question to Bart is irrelevant to the issue of citing sources for inflammatory and dubious claims. In fact, it is likely a diversion from the fact that you either don’t have a source or are unwilling to share it because it will be dismissed by all but your sycophants.”
I’m also impressed by your willingness to delete posts/comments in which you get a drubbing. Quite sporting! Is it with that same devotion to integrity that you practice law?
Pearcy: Mal, if you thought that this original post had "inflammatory and dubious claims," then you should have been pleased when I saved as a draft (which removed it from the blog). But then you complained and accused me of "deleting" it.
Why don't you make up your mind? Apparently, you'll complain whether it's up or whether it's down!
Some posts simply become dated. And sometimes I save old ones, for example, that got very few comments, or none at all, as drafts.
In any event, if I deleted posts just because someone criticized me, then almost all of them would be gone. So that's never my motive.
Malaclypse: Uh huh. Keep on dancin'. Meanwhile, more than a month has gone by during which you have yet to reveal the source for your story.
When I left comments (in another post) to the effect that this post had been "poofed" out of existence and left a link to Google's cached image of it, you promptly deleted my comment and voile - the post reappears. Couple this with the fact that you've dithered and dissembled for a month while two people have asked for a source on this story, and most sane people would have difficultly concluding that you are being anything other than perfidious. (Never mind that another post – in the comments section of which I provide a thorough and hermetic case for the probability that you are actually an AI construct created by Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal – also disappeared.)
See here, Pearcy: I don’t give a good god damn what you do with your blog. Display as much or as little intellectual honesty and rigor as you wish. Craft flimsy stories about how you “save as drafts” those posts in which you are demonstrated to be fast and loose with ethics. I care not. I am simply pointing out, as any ombudsman would do with any journo at any paper in the country, that without sourcing, your claims can be considered little more than spurious. Anyway, it was a few days later that comments were disabled on his blog. Way to “advance the debate” Pearcy. While you’re wasting your time with my exposé of the exposer, check out Google’s cache of this other exchange.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 4:53 PM ·
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Friggin' Giuliani!
Just a link (because I like Giuliani) to Patrick Ruffini's latest online GOP straw poll.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 12:33 PM ·
Monday, July 25, 2005
Jane's Defense
You know, in spite of the high-minded political journals and blogs and news anchors feigning disgust at the death of so many U.S. soldiers and Justin Raimondo and the luminous Pearl Jam and Harry Belafonte and many other voices, I still feel there are more bumper sticker platitudes to be written! Which is why, you know, THANK GOD!
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 10:30 AM ·
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Irshad Manji
Not everyone reads instapundit (surprisingly), so you may not know that Glenn recently linked to this story in the times about one Irshad Manji. To wit:Irshad Manji has already been dubbed ‘Osama’s worst nightmare’ for her criticisms of Islam. Now she wants Britain’s Muslims to stand more firmly on the side of freedom More, as always, can be found here.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 11:27 PM ·
Saturday, June 18, 2005
The Paternal States
What a bunch of simpering ninnies the British are where guns are concerned.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 9:01 PM ·
Monday, June 06, 2005
Flying Over the Afflicted and Afflicting the Conversation
Glenn links to what to my mind is an incredible essay by Jay Rosen on the clergy of journalism and Watergate. I admit to a smallish amount of glee in one intereting bit:Meanwhile, "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" is handed down not as a slogan too clever by half, but as a public service philosophy. Find 100 journalists who know the slogan, perhaps five can tell you the origin. And they don't know that the author (Finley Peter Dunne) was being sarcastic, either. Is this education? Jay sends us on to the backstory.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 1:14 AM ·
Rape (and not the metaphorical, post-modern, eco-feminist kind - the real deal)
Nicholas Kristof reminds all of the horrific nature of what is going in the Sudan (registration required - although I use login: tester, password: tester or some such).
Seriously, where is the outrage? Is it really that this stuff is being perpetrated by Muslims which allows it to go whitewashed in the name of multiculturalism?
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 12:47 AM ·
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
A Rush Of Thud To The Head
Coldplay's Chris Martin recently chose to expose his extensive and punctilious knowledge of the theory and study of both Ethics and Economics*. We learn that:Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin today launched an attack on his record label EMI and the company's shareholders.
It came after EMI, the world's third-largest music company, warned that profits would be lower because the band took longer than expected to finish their first studio album in three years.
But as Coldplay prepared for a concert in New York to promote their new album, called X&Y, Martin said: "I don't really care about EMI. I'm not really concerned about that. Is this some kind of publicity stunt? He goes on:"I think shareholders are the great evil of this modern world."
He criticised what he called "the slavery that we are all under to shareholders". Really, I can't believe he said that. This must be an elaborate hoax. Chris and Charles Murray are somewhere having a pint and laughing about this.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 9:06 PM ·
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Blog Maverick
I just discovered (well, by discovered I mean "started reading") the blog of Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks. I'm not much of a basketball fan I must say, but I enjoyed his blog. This post regarding the RIAA and Yahoo's new music service was particularly enjoyable.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 8:20 PM ·
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The Great White North
Tip to ¡No Pasarán! on this story, titled, "Caught on tape: Paul Martin's photo-op from Human Tragedy". I'll poorly summarize to wit: The Canadian PM and his wife and entourage arrive in then only very recently tsunami-ravaged Sri Lanka. They act badly. Take this quote from the story:See for yourself how the film footage shows the padre being pushed aside and how overzealous members of the Martin entourage physically knock a Sri Lankan mourner to the ground–without apology. The footage mentioned is courtesy of one Garth Pritchard, who as it turns out, is an award-winning Canadian documentary journalist.
When you're done with that, check this out.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 9:50 PM ·
Friday, April 29, 2005
Tip to the ubiquitous instapundit on this story about the potential that the Canadian state may fail to persist by Austin Bay. In a scene that could have been written by David Foster Wallace, a combination of a money laundering scandal and Quebec seperatist aspiration is producing a dangerous scenario. It's a whimsical treatment, but interesting nonetheless.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 1:18 PM ·
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Leftist Schadenfreude
Legion are the examples in which an anti-war activist (often US citizens) presents to a protest with a banner, sign or tee-shirt proclaiming their desire that the US fail in its mission in Iraq. That someone can simultaneously endorse both pacifism and the cause of the terrorists is clearly fraught with incongruity, but as they say, "Never try to teach a pig to sing..."
Now it seems the MSM have gotten into the game of at least tacitly supporting the propaganda of the opponent. Couple that with the MSM's propensity to ignore stories which would seem to support the US mission and one begins to see a picture of Machiavellian perfidy. To what recent media innovation do I owe this opportunity to whinge about the MSM? It is this post by Oz Blogger Arthur Chrenkoff in which he discusses a poll run by "the Iraqi Arabic newspaper 'Almidhar'."778 Baghdadis were asked:
Do you support the pull out of foreign troops?
At once - 12.56% According to a future timetable - 81.80% Do not know - 5.64%
Has the security situation improved since the start of the new government?
Yes - 55% No - 35% No change - 10% Read the whole post, he goes on to discuss the way in which the US media spun the April 9th demonstrations in Baghdad. Which is to say the coverage suggested that the protest was aimed squarely at the US when in fact, the overwhelming majority of the signs (in Arabic) being carried called for Saddam's trial and hanging, or spoke to the disgust the Iraqis are coming to feel for the insurgents.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 8:54 PM ·
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Bias? Try "Manipulation".
Editorial masquerading as article (what's new?).
Update: I screwed up the link - it was to an AP story regarding the "Minuteman" project and their ostensible holding of a suspected illegal. The article was more about trashing the "Minutemen" than any sort of factual report, but alas, I can't find the damn thing. It does turn out, however, that the illegal wasn't held against his will. But hey, the "Minuteman" project is still wrong - even if it doesn't do anything wrong, right?
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 11:04 AM ·
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
This is unfortunate. If you'll read the article, you'll see its about a study that found an ostensible inverse correlation between multiple daily toothbrushings and obesity. In other words, they found that fat folks brush their teeth less often.
What's so unfortunate about that, you ask? While the merit of undertaking such a study (one wonders what it cost) is debatable, the more pernicious issue to my mind is the way in which the article seems to imply that there is a causative relationship between the two activities. Witness the opening line of the article:If you want to keep trim, forget the diet books and gym membership -- you may be better off just brushing your teeth more often, according to a Japanese study. Uh, no. While I haven't read the study, I can say with great confidence that it was not designed to test a causative relationship between obesity and dental hygene. The most likely explaination is obvious: people who care about their physical health will tend to care about their dentition. We needed a study for that?
Of course, the usual suspect in this kind of situation is the journalist. Many journalists, in my experience, have little compunction about writing on topics about which they know little, because hey, they're journalists - they've got their university degrees, eh? It stands to reason, that a less than scientifically fluent journalist might miss the subtle difference between correlation and causation, but egad - here we have a direct quote from the study:"It's a sign that these people are careful about their health -- they want to maintain the appearance of their teeth and prevent bad breath," the paper said. "We think actively encouraging the habit of toothbrushing would play a role in maintaining health and would help prevent obesity." It is this same slight of hand that is responsible for other canards such as ETS, the "gateway drug" hypothesis (scroll to middle of page), Erin Brockovich, etc.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 1:48 PM ·
Friday, January 07, 2005
More On The eUNuchs
The Diplomad is a blog...by career US Foreign Service officers. They are Republican (most of the time) in an institution (State Department) in which being a Republican can be bad for your career -- even with a Republican President! They're also in the field as it were. It seems the "Chief Diplomad" is in Aceh, or thereabouts, because he has been blogging about his experience with the tsunami recovery and his dealings with the UN in a post entitled The "Turd" World And The High Priest Vulture Elite*. What caught my eye was this telling bit:That work, unfortunately, has brought ever-increasing contact with the growing UN presence in this capital; in fact, we've found that to avoid running into the UN, we must go out to where the quake and tsunami actually hit. Steve, I know you think I should be all freakin' Hemingway with this blog, cranking out miniature Men at War, but I trust some might enjoy the insight provided by such an unique blog.
*h/t The Belmont Club
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 8:39 PM ·
Monday, January 03, 2005
de Tocqueville Be Damned
After painting the Western industrialized nations (and likely the US in particular) as "stingy," the United Nations Undersecretary for Humanitarian blah blah, Jan Egeland and his whole putrified beadledom has left me on tenterhooks as it were. The voluble Wretchard has several excellent posts on the topic which puts as fine a point on the issue as the substrate can maintain - read them and be edified.
For some pith on the issue, consider the words of Dr. Charles Krauthammer:"We are six percent or less of the world's population, yet we give almost half. We are a very small number of people, relatively speaking, and we carry the weight of a dozen countries. Secondly, we maintain a military structure that keeps the peace of the world...Who is in the Indian Ocean with the aircraft carriers, helicopters, skilled personal? No one has the infrastructure in the world, we spend almost half a trillion dollars a year on our military structure, which is essentially the fire department of the planet and is it always at the disposal of people hit in a national disaster...Incidentally on food aid, we five 60% of all the food aid in the world. It is simply irresponsible to talk about the U.S. as anything other than the most generous nation on the planet." Fnord.
posted by Malaclypse the Tertiary at 1:35 AM ·